By Tom Riley on

Finding Happiness

@areyouhapppy She absolutely gets it.Thank you for this interview. #positivepsychology #positivevibesonly #louisville #louisvillekentucky #kentucky ♬ Night Trouble By Petit Biscuit - Tyler

Interviewer: Are you happy?

Subject: Yes 😊

Interviewer: What's the source of your happiness?

Subject: Hmmm.... honestly... 😁 It's gonna sound like pretty generic, but I've a really good core group of friends that really just like accept me for me. Because I'm--I got a lot of stuff and they just love. all of it. So yeah. πŸ™‚

Interviewer: That's awesome--what would, uhhh... be your one message for the world; if you had one message to the world, what would that be?

Subject: Ummm... I would--that's a good one πŸ˜€ And I've watched so many of these, so I've always thought "what would I say?", but then you get put on the spot. Ummm... I guess I would say, that find happiness in the little moments. I think we spend our whole life like, like searching for these big things, and it's like "once I reach this big thing I'll be happy," but I think you can really find happiness in like the smallest of things. You're looking for happiness, you'll find it, yeah 😊

Interviewer: Thank you

Subject: cool 😊